Interview in Politika



Privlače nas misterije i trivijalnost svakodnevice

Dvodnevni festival „Iz Izraela sa ljubavlju” otvoriće „Plesni teatar Josija Berga i Odeda Grafa” u Mikser hausu u Beogradu

Сцена из представе „Дођи, скaчи са мном” („Come, jump with me”) (Фото: Гади Дагон)

Sa savremenom plesnom predstavom „Dođi, skači sa mnom” („Come, jump with me”) koreografski dvojac Josi Berg i Oded Graf otvoriće 10. februara u 21 čas, u Mikser hausu u Beogradu, dvodnevni festival „ Iz Izraela s ljubavlju” („From Israel with love”). Ovom manifestacijom ambasada Izraela obeležava četvrt veka od obnavljanja diplomatskih odnosa Srbije i Izraela. Tako će do 12. februara Beograđani moći da slušaju koncert poznatog telavivskog gruv benda, pogledaju studentske filmove, izložbe o bauhaus arhitekturi, vide radionice za izradu nakita. A svemu tome prethodi „Plesni teatar Josija Berga i Odeda Grafa”, već poznatog našoj publici. Berg i Graf, koji rade zajedno više od jedne decenije, donose nam ovog puta jedno provokativno i duhovito delo. Višegodišnji nastupi sa svetskim trupama kao što su „Plesna kompanija Batševa” i „Fizički plesni teatar DV8” uticali su na kvalitetan rad ovih izraelskih koreografa. Berg i Graf poslali su nam mejlom uoči dolaska u Beograd zajedničke odgovore na pitanja.

Iako naziv vašeg dela „ Come, jump with me”, u kojem igraju dva igrača zvuči zabavno, u njegovoj osnovi se nalazi ozbiljna priča. O čemu je reč i koliko je izvodljivo da pokretom i igrom komentarišete stvarnost?

Delo „Come, jump with me” govori o ljubavi, sukobu i nadi i predstavlja dijalog s mestom u kojem živimo, Izraelom i odražava raznovrstan spektar emocija prema onome što zovemo domom. Taj dijalog je vođen dubokom ljubavlju i povezanošću, kao i strahom od mogućih događaja kad je reč o našoj zemlji. Verujemo da je veza između pojedinca i njegovog doma / zemlje kompleksna i univerzalna ideja s kojom danas svi mogu da se poistovete. Inspiriše nas sve u našem okruženju i pokušavamo da ne ograničavamo svoj izraz samo na ples. Zbog toga su naše teme izražene uz pomoć pokreta, teksta, pozorišta, muzike i vizuelne umetnosti. Mislimo da je mešanje žanrova duboko ukorenjeno u naš način rada i stil performansa. Inspirisani smo misterijama, trivijalnostima svakodnevice i ljudima s kojima sarađujemo.

Kao koreografski dvojac postavili ste veliki broj dela na mnogim scenama, koja biste izdvojili kao posebna i zašto?

Mi stalno putujemo po svetu, nastupamo, podučavamo i stvaramo zajedno sa igračima i kompanijama. Uvek nas je veoma zanimalo istraživanje različitih kultura i drugačijeg načina življenja. Prilika da možemo da živimo određeni period na nekom novom mestu je jedinstvena. To nam omogućava da se povežemo, naučimo i istražimo naše mesto u svetu i upoznamo zanimljive ljude i umetnike. Postavljamo pitanja o ljudskoj prirodi, sličnostima i razlikama. Upravo smo proveli neverovatnih mesec dana u Australiji sa tamošnjim umetnicima. Nadahnjuju nas ljudi i kulture koje upoznajemo.

Da li u svetu na koji politika ima snažan uticaj ima mesta za umetnost? I ako ima, o kakvoj je onda umetnosti reč?

Verujemo da je uloga umetnosti da ponudi nove načine gledanja na stvari, drugačiju perspektivu realnosti. Istina je da u našem svetu politika ima bitnu ulogu. Ali umetnost može biti mesto gde razmatramo svet, postavljamo pitanja, izazove i nudimo nadu i sigurnost.

Sarađivali ste sa brojnim ansamblima i pozorištima, a pored Izraela vaš drugi dom je Danska. Kako se osećate u ove dve zemlje i šta vam je donela Rozenblum nagrada?

U poslednjih nekoliko godina više smo vremena provodili u Izraelu, međutim imali smo periode kad smo stvarali u Skandinaviji, Evropi i SAD. Sva ta mesta su različita, i po mentalitetu i po vremenskim prilikama. Inspirativno je boraviti na različitim mestima, upijajući nove uticaje. Kad je reč o Rozenblum nagradi, bila je velika čast primiti je. Lepo je znati da drugi ljudi cene ono što mi radimo. Daje motivaciju i snagu.

Očekuju vas u 2017. gostovanja u Americi, Australiji, Kanadi, Evropi , to je veoma dinamičan raspored, kada i kako prikupljate energiju za nove teme?

Putovanja mogu biti istovremeno i stimulativna i iscrpljujuća. Pokušavamo da izbalansiramo to i putujemo samo u određenim periodima godine. U mesecima ispred nas, osim turneje, planiramo da započnemo novo delo. To je uvek izazov, kako probiti sopstvene granice, isprobati sebe i povezati se s izvorom kreativnosti. Očekujemo da budemo hrabri i da uživamo u procesu stvaranja.

1. You will open Belgrade festival “From Israel with love” with your play “Come, jump with me”. Based on its name, this sounds very fun and relaxing, but its essentially a very serious story. What is it really about and is it possible to comment on reality with only movements and dance? What is in fact the reality we live in, and what inspires you as artists?

The piece `Come Jump with me` is about love, conflict, and hope. The show is a dialogue with the place we are living in, Israel and it reflects a varied range of emotions towards what we call home. A dialogue that is driven from deep love and connection as well as from fear from certain directions our country is going towards.
We believe that connection between an individual and its home\country is a complex and universal idea that everybody nowadays can relate to.
We like to take inspiration from everything that surrounds us and try not to limit our expressions only to dance. Therefore our themes are researched and expressed through dance, movement, text, theater, music, and visual art.

We think that the mixing genres are rooted deeply in the way we work and in our performance style.  We are inspired by mystery, banality and the people we collaborate with.

2. As a choreographic duo you have set a large number of works at many different scenes, which one would you single out as special and why?

As part of our work we constantly travel around the world, perform, teach and create with dancers and companies. We have always been very curious about exploring different cultures and learn about remote ways of lives. The opportunity of living a period of time in a new place is unique. It allows us to connect, learn and explore our place in the world and meet exciting people and artists from wild range. We ask questions about human nature, similarities and differences. For example we just came back from an incredible month in Australia, where we spent time in research with local artists. We like to be influenced by the people and cultures that we meet.

3. Is there a place for art in a world where politics has a strong impression? If there is, then what kind of art that must be?

We believe the role of art is to offer new ways of looking at things, different perspective on the reality. It’s true that in our world politics has a strong influence. But art can be a place to rethink our world, ask questions, challenge and offer hope and comfort.

4. You’ve sided with many ensembles and theater houses, and besides Israel your second home is Denmark. How do you feel in one country and how in another?  With which ensemble did you have the best collaboration? Tell us something about  your last Rosenblum prize ?

In the last years we spend more time in Israel, however we had periods we created in Scandinavia, Europe and the U.S.. The places are very different from each other: mentality, and especially the weather. We always find it very inspiring as artist to spend time in few places and absorb its influence on our creation.
Regarding the Rosenblum Prize, it was a great honor receiving it. It is nice that other people appreciate what we do. It gives you energy and motivation to continue creating.

5. A lot of performances are expecting you in America, Australia, Canada, Europe, and that is a very dinamic schedule. How do you find  enough energy to create, travel and explore new themes? What do you expect of yourself in upcoming period?

Traveling can be both energizing and exhausting at the same time. We do try to balance it and travel just in certain periods of the year.
In the upcoming period we are planning besides touring, to start a new creation. To start a new creation is always a big challenge; how to break our own borders, challenge ourselves and connect to the sources of our creativity. We expect to commit fully to it, to be brave and to enjoy the process as much as possible.

– Biljana Lijeskićčetvrtak, Politika, Serbia